Friday, June 10, 2011

Tidung island, new favourite backpaker community

Tidung island later called by the backpacker and the community as a back packer Indonesia New Paradise is the largest island among the group of islands in the Thousand Islands. The island is already inhabited by people since the Dutch colonial era. In the book History of Djakarta, (I forget the author, because I read this book while sitting in elementary school, I found this pocket book in the drawer of the father), mentioned that when Fatahillah invaded Malacca, he and his troops make use of existing islands in Jakarta Bay as a place to set the strategy. One of the island was named Island Tidung, meaning island shelter. 
Although not a tourist island, but the island is very comfortable to be a place of recreation for people who want to enjoy the atmosphere of the island with a low cost. The clear sea water and white sand on the shores of beautiful beaches to enjoy. Not to mention the charm of a beautiful sunrise and sunset each day. So do not be surprised if the backpacker call this island as a new heaven or new paradise for lovers of community tourism in the country. 

To reach this island, we can come through the Port of Muara Angke Jakarta or from the Port of Muara Cituis (Rawasaban) Tangerang. To the Port of Muara Angke, we can ride public transportation from Grogol or Kopami of Beos, City. Meanwhile, if passed Tangerang, we can drive colt from New Market Terminal. 

Both of Muara Port Cituis and from the Port of Muara Angke standby vehicles every day. Vehicle owned wooden boats fishing the Thousand Islands. It's just that we have to know his schedule, not to be missed. From Muara Angke, usually ships depart at 07.30. We recommend that passengers have arrived at the pier prior to 0700 because if it is full of direct ship departed without waiting for the schedule. Especially if Saturday. Often at 06.00 even had already left the ship because it is full. It cost only 33 thousand each way, with a long journey around 2 hour. 

While the departures from Tangerang Cituis Estuary at 11.00 am with a cost of 20 thousand and travel about 1.5 hours long. Want a holiday? Thousand Island ONLY!


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